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Teacher Spotlight: David Peterson


There are so many incredible teachers who are doing some amazing things in the classroom that it's hard to choose 12 in one year, which is why Gallopade is changing our Teacher of the Month feature to our "Teacher Spotlight." There's no limit to who or how many we can celebrate — 12, 24...100? You decide! We'll celebrate your favorite teachers all year long. This is their stage to share their wisdom and experiences — so step into the spotlight! We're kicking things off and wrapping up 2022 with a feature on our favorite teacher (and Holiday enthusiast), Gallopde's own David Peterson! David is a former Fulton County Public Schools teacher who recently joined our team at Gallopade as a Writer/Editor.

1. How many years did you teach?

I taught for a little over a decade.

2. What grade level(s) and subject did you teach?

Over the years, I have taught grades sixth through twelfth grade, all within the subject of English.

3. What inspired you to pursue a career in education?

The summer after completing my first year of college, I had a part-time job tutoring foster kids for a local government program. Having the ability to help a child better themselves or "see the light bulb" is exciting and so fulfilling!

4. What is your favorite thing about teaching or your biggest success story?

One year, a senior came to me with a personal goal to score well on his end-of-year test, especially his SAT and ACTs. He was afraid his previous grades from his high school career would prevent him from getting into a good school for football. I tutored this student one-on-one for most of the year, and he was able to pass the end-of-the-year tests and receive admirable scores on both the SAT and ACT. Despite his previous record, his final year helped him prove he was a well-rounded student-athlete to schools. He went on to play football all four years in college and graduated!

5. Why did you want to join Gallopade?

I wanted an opportunity to use my talents in education to help create engaging, impactful materials to help increase the knowledge and creativity of students throughout the world.

6. What is something that every student should know about teachers?

Teachers have your best interest in mind. Teachers ask that you come to class every day motivated and determined to do your best and forget about the rest.

7. What advice would you impart to a new teacher or someone who wants to become a teacher?

Learn to be a champion of forgiveness. Establish routines, do your best, be flexible, and collaborate with your peers.

8. What are your favorite activities and hobbies?

Reading, playing golf, watching sports, and spending time with my family. Do you know an educator who goes above and beyond the call of duty to inspire their students? Nominate them to be the next Teacher Spotlight!



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